These are annual reports that I developed for the Department of Veterans Affairs and its program offices.
This inaugural 2023 Annual Report was created for the Office of Clinical Services. I took a strategic approach to the design process, incorporating the tagline "The Heart of Veteran Care" as a central theme. This tagline not only influenced the visual elements of the design but was also thoughtfully integrated into the content, ensuring a cohesive and unified presentation throughout the report. The design was crafted to reflect the core values and mission of the Office of Clinical Services, while also providing a clear and professional narrative that aligns with the overarching theme of compassionate care for veterans.
Additionally, the report was submitted for consideration in the MarCom Awards, which honor excellence in marketing and communication while recognizing the creativity, and hard work of industry professionals. Since its inception in 2004, the MarCom Awards has evolved into one of the largest and most respected creative competitions globally, administered by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP). I am proud to share that the report received the Platinum Award at the MarCom Awards, further validating the quality and impact of the design and content.
You can find the entire report here.
You can find the entire report here.
This Annual Report was developed for the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) to highlight accomplishments in 2024, a historic year for VHA. The VA provided more care to Veterans than ever before. This report acknowledged what VHA has achieved and the groundwork laid to advance Veteran care for years to come.
You can find the entire report here.
The Simulation Learning, Evaluation, Assessment, and Research Network (SimLEARN) is the VHA's program for simulation in health care training. The 2022 SimLEARN Annual Report showcases highlights from 2022 and what was in store for 2023.
You can find the entire report here.
This Annual Report was created for VETSmile, a pilot program by the Veterans Affairs Administration to help Veterans connect with dental practitioners within their community.
Development of communication strategies and layouts for various editorial projects.
This is a personal project in rebranding a lifestyle magazine, targeted towards backpackers and outdoor enthusiasts.
For the entire mock-up, click here.
Senior thesis project for my Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design. The book serves as an immersive tool for visitors to better understand what an artwork is trying to convey to its audience.
A designed packet for ASTHOs State and Territorial Legislative Liaison Peer Network.
A document design to relay information about the incidence of Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS).
Click here for the full report.
Based on the data from the 2019 Environmental Health Programs and Services Survey, ASTHO created factsheets to highlight some of the key findings.
Click here for the full factsheet.
A document about childhood lead poisoning prevention programs.
Click here for the full report.
This factsheet was jointly developed with the Association of State Drinking Water Administrator and outlines how to monitor water quality in facilities to prevent the growth of Legionella and other opportunistic pathogens.
Click here for the full factsheet.
ASTHO partnered with the Kansas Health Institute to better understand state terminology and framing around HiAP.
Click here for the full report.
A document that talks about the early rise of COVID-19 and what states can do.
Click here to see the full report.
A workbook for a training curriculum about Naloxone.
A flyer created to advertise and promote a webinar that would discuss developing workforce strategies.
Flyer created to promote a training designed to provide public health leaders and public information officers with a greater understanding and knowledge of crisis communications in public health.
Flyer created to promote an internal ASTHO staff training that would help to strengthen teamwork, reduce silos, foster accountability, and improve organizational results.
A comprehensive brand guide for The VA Innovation and Research Review System (VAIRRS) which is used by all VA medical centers with research programs.
A welcome kit package designed for new State Health Officials to ASTHO.
A welcome kit package design for new State Health Officials to ASTHO.
These one-pagers were developed for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Health Outcomes Military Exposures (HOME) Program Office.
The Simulation Learning, Evaluation, Assessment, and Research Network (SimLEARN) hosted the Slice and Simulation Showcase 2022 Conference. I developed the logo and branding for the event and its collateral materials.
A printed agenda designed for the Annual Meeting and Policy Summit.
A mock-up of ASTHOs Facebook Page to promote the Annual Meeting.
A social media graphic to help promote ASTHOs Annual Meeting.
A flyer to promote a pre-session event for ASTHOs Annual Meeting.
A social media graphic to promote the pre-session event of ASTHOs Annual Meeting.
A logo for ASTHOs 9/11 Virtual Event.
A word template for the 9/11 Virtual Event.
A social media post to promote the 9/11 virtual event.
An agenda for NWRA's 2019 Water Issues Conference.
Three banners for NWRA's 2019 Federal Water Issues Conference.
An invitation created for the Water Week event during NWRA's Federal Water Issues Conference in 2019.
Corporate branding strategy development for ASTHO’s Essentials of Leadership and Management (ELM). This program offers leadership training, coaching, and support to the organization’s various internal stakeholders.
A logo for the COVID-19 ELM training course along with a word template and a certificate to be filled out after completing the course.
Logo study for the Senior Leadership Reserve Corps (SLRC). This project creates a reserve bank of leaders from State Health Officials around the nation to assist states with pressing needs such as administrative preparedness, data modernization/surveillance, and health equity.
Logo study for the ASTHO STAR Center for Administrative and Organizational Excellence. The Center serves as a hub to facilitate peer assessment of administrative and organizational capacity.
Creation of the ASTHO branding guide for internal and external stakeholders. This guide intends to improve brand continuity by displaying the proper usage of logos, brand colors, and typography.
A full-page advertisement for Water and Conservation Research Center featured in Irrigation Leader magazine.
A full-page advertisement for The Water Council’s Water Leaders Summit for 2019, featured in Irrigation Leader magazine.
A half-page ad for Irrigation Leader magazine featured in Irrigation Today magazine.
A half-page advertisement for Irrigation Leader's New Zealand Tour. Featured in Irrigation Leader magazine.
A half-page advertisement for National Water Resources Association's 2019 Western Water Seminar. Featured in Irrigation Leader magazine.
A full-page advertisement of a Leatherman multitool product. This was a personal project of mine.
Three-part infographic design series for state and territorial health agencies that work to mitigate chronic illnesses and behavioral health issues by preventing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).
State and territorial health agencies report varying levels of capacity to prevent adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) across populations. Unfortunately, a higher ACE burden is experienced by foster care children, justice-involved communities, and communities experiencing poverty and concentrated violence. This infographic details how state and territorial health agencies have opportunities to improve selected partnerships to impact health equity. By strengthening collaboration with justice systems through transformational approaches grounded in reciprocity, State Health Officials can improve health equity and reduce ACEs disparities.
Cross-sector collaboration is critical to successfully preventing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Because the impact of ACEs has societal implications and can potentially affect chronic/behavioral illnesses, everyone has a role in preventing ACEs. This infographic details how state and territorial health agencies utilize partnerships to increase ACEs prevention capacity. Health agencies should review internal and external partnerships and strategic plans to understand roles and responsibilities and reveal opportunities to strengthen collaborative efforts.
Tobacco smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease, disability, and death in the United States, and the majority of adults who smoke say they want to quit. In January 2020, the U.S. Surgeon General released a report on smoking cessation. This infographic showcases some key findings from the report and highlights how many states are taking coordinated action to improve tobacco cessation rates.
An infographic designed for updating a State Health Improvement Plan and accreditation process with the updated objectives of Healthy People 2030.
Creation of various social media graphics for different campaigns, blog posts, and holiday observances.
A challenge coin for ASTHO staff and State Health Officials.
A challenge coin for ASTHO staff and State Health Officials.
A logo designed for the Water and Technology Research Center (WATR), which is a subsidiary of Imperial Valley Conservation Research Center.
Logo for Imperial Valley Conservation Search Center.
A full-page advertisement for Water and Conservation Research Center. Featured in Irrigation Leader magazine.
A brochure that focuses on WATR’s mission and objectives.
Personal Branding: Nicole Venable
Personal business card for graphic design
Development of logo for a personal branding project.
Development of a printed portfolio.